Youth Gurmat Sangeet Event & Virus of Fake Gurus -
29 Dec 2010
On 29 Dec 2010 the SAS sevadaars travelled Gurdwara
Guru Nanak Darbar, Erith in Kent.
The scheduled time of attendance was 6pm, however the SAS work on GMTtime (Jinna Marji Time), so as you would expect the presentation started a little later than scheduled.
I was asked to come along too, but I was in two minds about attending. I had just returned to work in Reading that day following the Holiday period and due to a very early start that morning I didn't fancy travelling to Kent.
After leaving work around 4pm I finally navigated through the rush hour traffic and finally hit the M25 at 5pm. The rain was abosolutely chucking it down and that made driving difficult and caused the usual traffic chaos.
I finally pulled up in the car park of the Gurdwara at around 7pm and as I stepped out of the car I could be forgiven for thinking that I had turned up at some school disco as sounds of guitars and synthesisers were blaring out of the speakers. It was a strange experience to say the least.
As I stepped into the Gurdwara I made met with the other sevadaars and proceeded to pay my respects to Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The Divaan was full with both young men and women and dotted around were some elders. The singers Aman Hayer and Dhammi were singing "Sarbans Dhaania Ve Dena Kaun Deo Ga Tera". The modern approach seemed to do the trick in pulling in the sangat. Mohan Singh Khalsa went onto present the well researched facts about the fake gurus which was received very well. The wake up call aroused emotions and as a result we had numerous offers for support to further the SAS cause. We look forward to working with the new volunteers and to enable them to become "peradhars" (watchmen) in their home town.
We would like to thank the Gurdwara Prabhandhak Committee for allowing the event to take place at the Gurdwara. Although we must be mindful of the Marjada (Code of Conduct) inside the Gurdwara we must think of innovative ways of making the Gurdwara more appealing to the youth.
by Sevadaar Sikh Awareness Society |
Commemorating Martyrdom day of Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh -
31 Oct 2010
Martydom (Shaeedi) for Guru Granth and Guru Panth (G3P) was expressed in
rhyme and discourse last Sunday 31 October 2010 at
Guru Nanak Gurdwara,
at the Sikh Awareness Society and Khalsa Youth Club Leicester Branch programme.
The remembrance service began with an Akhand Path Sahib that was initiated on Friday 29 October and was concluded with
usual pomp & ceremony amongst the Sunday congregation. The Shaheedi commemoration was held in honour of the various
historical Sikh Martyrs including the most recent Bhai Beant Singh.
Brief History
It was in 1984 that Bhai Beant Singh and Bhai Satwant Singh no longer being able to tolerate the
profound disrespect towards Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and the Khalsa Panth, took it upon themselves to assist the tyrannical
leader along her path of re-incarnation. Their actions are akin to the spirit of Bhai Mehtab Singh & Bhai Sukha Singh who, not being able to tolerate the
desecration of Harmandir Sahib in 1740,
assisted Masaa Rangar on his way to meeting The Creator.
Following the Ardas & Hukumnama, Keertan was
performed by the Gurdwara resident jatha followed by Katha by
a former student of Damdami Taksal, who touched on the theme of sacrifice in Sikh
The Stage Secretary talked about the self sacrifice given by many Sikhs in History for Dharm(righteousness)
before announcing the remaining program. Below is a synopsis of the
Bhai Jaspal Singh and Gurjit Singh Walia,
workers of Khalsa Youth Club and Sikh
Awareness Society respectively, then took to the stage
and passionately recited a Kavita (poem) in honour of Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh,
which was translated poetically into English.
Bhai Raghbir Singh senior member of
S.A.S. addressed the Sangat saying that the
talk of unity within the Sikh Nation has been ongoing for many centuries
and that this has never been achieved, in the true definition of the
Although true Unity may be difficult to achieve in this day and
age the key issue was for everyone to embrace Sikhi so that each of can aim to achieve what the Gurus taught. It is by
aligning our actions to aim for a common goal that we can enable Unity to
Bhai Mohan Singh, a founding sevadar of the Sikh Awareness Society,
delivered a captivating, inspiring and at times moving
presentation on Martyrdom throughout Sikh History starting with Guru Arjan Dev Ji to the
present time.
Bhai Sulakhan Singh
and Jatha who travelled from
also enlightened the Sangat with kavitas from Sikh History.
Bibi Gurdip Kaur a student at
addressed the Sangat and highlighted the importance
of women's role in Sikhism and also the challenges facing some today.
A stall manned by S.A.S and K.Y.C sevadars distributed free literature on
Spiritualism, Good Parenting, and issues facing our communities, DVD's
produced by KYC were sold and cards making our community aware on laws
that protect us were also distributed free.
Firstly the Sikh Awareness Society wish to
thank the Guru Nanak Gurdwara Sahib Leicester committee for its support and keenness for
the program to go ahead. They
also extend a big thank you to everyone who performed great seva in the kitchens by preparing and serving Langar, the event couldn’t have been a success
without them.
Who are the Sikh Awareness Society?
The Sikh Awareness Society is an internationally recognized
leader in raising awareness related to
Sikh Issues, globally and locally, Sikh Awareness Society members travelled with Bhai Mohan
Singh recently to USA and Canada and only returned back a few weeks
ago from India, spreading the message of true Sikhi and awakening the masses about the “Virus of Fake Gurus” that
has been spreading across Punjab.
from SAS are unique in that no matter what group or organisation you belong to we can and will visit you when requested for parchaar, we work with youth and strengthen
Sikh Awareness Society is always looking for volunteers and in no
way obligates anyone to any specific duties; you are free to
participate in any of the various projects as your time and
interests permit.
by Sikh Awareness Society, Leicester Branch (
S.I.K.H Camp -
16-21 Aug 2010
Virus of Fake Gurus – Sikh Awareness Society Peterborough Branch 25 July 2010
The Peterborough Branch of The Sikh Awareness Society hosted the event at the Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Peterborough UK.
Mohan Singh Khalsa gave a sensational presentation providing a "WAKE UP CALL" to the sangat of the town. The turnout was not as great as expected but this was due to the holiday season and many people being out of town.
There were a number of Youths in atendance who felt that the presentation was an eye opener and that they learnt something new about the Fake Guru culture.
The Sikh Awareness Society would like to thank the Singh Sabha Gurdwara Prabandhaks hosting this event.
Here are some comments:-
" The program on sunday was really good and it helped us to understand more about what going on in india and the other countries about the fake guru. It was really helpful because i wasnt aware that rss, radhaswami, ashutosh, etc how they were linked. mostly importantly what their mission is and how they brainwash sangat. Therefore, the program on sunday has open our eyes , especially my family members and i hope there will be more programs like that so that many people can be aware of this issue."
(Gagan Kaur)
" The program was very good and it would be good to have the Sikh Awareness Society give more presentations like this once a month"
(Stage Secretary)
" After the presentation conducted by Bhai Mohan Singh on ‘virus of fake gurus’ i was left truly astonished at the mass information of which I honestly had not known before. The powerful presentation clearly displayed the situation at hand in India and various other places where Sikhi is being demolished by just a small hand full of people. This was sad to know, however what hurt the most was the level of people that were and are being fooled by such fake gurus. By the end of the presentation, I felt there is a great need for this situation to be dealt without delay by us a untied Sikh quam."
(Sukhpreet Kaur)
" When I was on my way to the Gurdwara in Peterborough there wasn’t much that I was expecting beside a long speech about general Sikhism and what you should do to be a good Sikh and stuff like that. Before I entered the divan hall I had just heard of bhai Mohan Singh very slightly and that he had brought back 92 converted girls who were converted from Sikhism to either the Muslim or Christian faith.
The expression that gave me of Bhai Mohan Singh was that...click here to read more.." (Zora Singh)
more to come later....
Article by Sikh Awareness Society, Peterborough Branch (UK) |
The Ultimate Anti-Virus - UK 25 Jul 2010S.I.K.H (Spirituality, Identity, Knowledge, Humility) camp which
ran from 16th-21st August 2010 was a huge success. Over 200 Campers travelled from
, Leicester and
, all were headed to
North Wales
On arrival the campers were in awe of the outstanding natural beauty
of their venue, surrounded by 125 miles of coastline, and landscape which
included a mixture of coastal heath, dunes, salt-marsh, cliffs, pockets
of woodland and a National Nature Reserve.
Outdoor activities at the camp included hiking, climbing, assault
course, paint-balling, dodgeball, football and
kayaking all aiming to build self confidence within each individual
The theme surrounding the camp was based upon the Panj Pyare; Bhai Daya Singh Ji, Bhai Dharam Singh Ji, Bhai Mokham Singh Ji, Bhai Himmat Singh Ji and Bhai Sahib Singh Ji, concentrating
on the definition and significance of their (Panj Pyare)
respected names.
Throughout the 6 days, campers started the day by entering the Darbar Sahib and reciting Nitnem through keertan and gaining blessing from Jagdi Joth Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
Talks and discussions were held on Gurbani, spirituality and
history. Speakers from Sikh Awareness Society UK, namely Bhai Davinder Singh Panesar and Bhai Mohan
Singh, over 4 days, delivered vibrant lectures on the Panj Pyare,
and hard-hitting issues such as the 'virus of fake Gurus', and the
'targeting and grooming' of Sikh youth at British universities.
The camp was a place for everyone to learn, gain experience and to
participate in areas where they may not have had the opportunity to do so
at their local Gurdwaras, e.g. correct maryada while preparing Degh and Parkash of Maharaj Ji, to
name but a few.
The objective of the camp was for every individual to encounter "Waheguru" and experience spiritual living.
During the evening, after the completion of Aarti, some campers
returned to the Darbar Sahib and talked about their
personal demons within them, with senior Gursikh sevadars,
(issues some had & found difficult to discuss at home). Guidance from
Guru Granth Sahib Ji made those campers realize the wrong path some had taken and after some
tears there were big bright smiles on their faces, all confessed that
they felt so good and had a change in their life, and were ready to start
a new journey to & of real Sikhism.
For some, this was their first camp and others were veteran campers,
but all who left camp, Spirituality, Identity, Knowledge, Humility (S.I.K.H) had a real
bond of spiritual friendship for each other, and everyone had an answer
to the question, Who am I?
Article by Sikh Awareness Society, Leicester Branch (
) |
Sarbat Da Bhalla - Donating Blood
Donating Blood - Sikh Awareness Society - Leicester Branch (UK) 23 July 2010
To celebrate the Life of Guru Har Krishan Ji the Sikh Awareness Society Leicester Branch took a practical step.
Members of Sikh Awareness Society travelled to the Leicester Blood Donor Centre and donated blood.
All members read a number of leaflets and filled in a Donor Health Check questionnaire and had a discussion with a nurse. A tiny drop of blood was taken from the donor's fingertip. This allowed to check for haemoglobin levels in the blood. Then members donated 470ml of blood. This amount of blood is quickly replaced by the body. All who gave blood then helped themselves to free tea and biscuits.
Jaspal Singh, who was donating blood for the first time said, '' me giving blood today actively exhibits the Sikh Philosphy of Sarbat Da Bhalla (the welfare of humanity) and what better day to do this, than on Gurpurb of Shri Guru Har Krishan Ji''.
Manraj Kaur, also a first time donor, added, ''the life and times of young Guru Har Krishan ji 'whose sight dispells all sorrows' is an inspiraion to all.''
Guru Har Krishan Ji the Eighth Guru of the Sikhs, travelled all over Punjab showering his blessings to the Sangat, he travelled to Delhi also. There he visited many who were sick as an epidimic of small pox had occured. Anyone who was ill, their pain and suffering seemed to vanish once Guru Har Krishan ji appeared before them.
Guru Har Krishan ji one day was taken ill with fever. The fever turned out to be the beginning of an attack of Small Pox. At the tender age of 8 years Guru Ji left this world. He gave a supreme sacrifice of his body at the altar of God to relieve everyone from distress and pain.
Sikh Awarness Society Leicester Branch member, Gurjit Singh Walia, thanked everyone who attended, especially those members who took time off work to make the event a success.
Article by Sikh Awareness Society, Leicester Branch (UK)
The Ultimate Anti-Virus - US TOUR JUNE 2010
Virus of Fake Gurus – Sikh Awareness Society Tour of USA & Canada On 17 July 2010
The Sikh Awareness Society took to the road in the USA and then proceeded to Canada before returning to the UK. Equipped with an ample supply of Anti-Viral medication (power point slides) in the form of well researched information, Bhai Mohan Singh Khalsa set out to provide the ultimate “WAKE UP CALL” to the masses.
To his amazement he faced Divan Halls filled with over 1000 people at a time. He attended the following Gurdwaras:-
• Riverside Gurdwara – Los Angeles
• Guru Nanak Prakash – Fresno
• Bay Area Gurdwara – Tracy
• Gurdwara – Renton, Seattle
• Gurdwara – Bothell, Seattle
• Gurdwara – Calgary, Canada
• Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara – Surrey, Canada
The tour was a great success and the Anti-Viral medication worked it’s magic. The impact was so great that those who had once strayed and lost their way adopted the true path once again.
Due to demands from the Sangat the Sikh Awareness Society will be returning to USA and Canada to conduct 10 day camps in late 2010. There will 4 Major Camps in total 2 in USA and 2 in Canada, details will be available nearer the time.
The Sikh Awareness Society would like to thank the Sangat of USA and Canada for enabling the prachar to reach the masses and humbly request they continue their efforts to keep the “Flame of Truth” burning.