Awareness - Seminars
23 seminars held at Gurdwara Sahibs,
camps, universities and colleges - raising awareness of
key issues affecting the Sikh community.
Raising Awareness
- Meetings
* Meeting with London Metropolitan police - minorities'
liaison officers & hate-crime departments.
* Meeting with representative of The Department for Education
– raising concerns of the radicalisation and grooming
of Sikh youth at British universities.
* Meetings with Gurdwara Committees – developing strategies
to support local Sikh sangat.
Counselling, Rehabilitation & Support
* Reconciled 39 young Sikhs with their families, and providing
continuous support and guidance.
* One to one counselling and support provided to 67 families.
* Supporting victims of racially motivated hate crime.
* Supporting people influenced by the affects of drink and
* 24-hour telephone support.
Police and Prosecution
* 3 cases where the SAS has worked with the victims and
the police to pursue prosecution under Paedophile Grooming
* The SAS has highlighted over 10 cases of racially motivated
assault and abuse to the Police.
Out Reach Programs
* Initiated 7 National out-reach programs.
* 4 Week Sikhi camp held at the tranquil settings of Baru
Sahib - India
Sikh Awareness
Society Members
* 27 new Sewadars Nationwide - each providing unique skills.
We would like to say a heartfelt thank-you to all those
who have supported our endeavour.
A special thank-you to the youth who had the courage to
stand up to intimidation and those who stood by us during
testing times.* We are seeking someone who can write articles,
document hate-crime and human rights violations for our
new website *Those of you who would like to get involved
in your local area, or have ideas or suggestions please
contact us.We would greatly appreciate your feedback - tell
us about your experiences, issues that affect you and about
topics you think we should tackle.