Comments on: Men exploited vulnerable Sikh teenager, Leicester court told Protect & Serve Fri, 06 Sep 2013 10:49:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Singh Singh Tue, 03 Sep 2013 20:50:57 +0000 This has been going on for decades. I remember same news within the Sikh community twenty years ago! I guess not much has changed since then.
Good to see it aired on the mainstream media but about time Sikh Gudwara Committies tackle the issues shown on TV rather than expect the Sangat to do everything. If they want to be community leaders then they must lead from the front.
What is the new Sikh council doing about the problems shown by BBC programme?
Who manages the Press and PR reports for and about Sikhs? (Clearly not the Sikhs themselves I guess)?
I mean positive press and PR not like the fool who decided to humiliate Sikh homeless people live on air during one programme I saw recently. Shame on him (I turn the the TV off when he’s on sikh channel).

After watching Mohan Singh on TV yesterday I will be donating to help his efforts. He should get more air time instead of all these wannabe celebrities representing Sikhs in the public eye and our Gudwaras.

By: Raj Raj Mon, 02 Sep 2013 20:02:50 +0000 Great work in finally securing airtime on mainstream tv & highlighting this issue that in truth has always been there! As we are being forced to adopt the generic label of so called Asians, along with dilution of historical facts our cultural heritage and too much political correctness ,shying away from truths have all contributed to the explosion of Muslim mentality whereby anything or anyone called Kafir are fair game!! Be alert, be aware, be street!! They only understand one language! we should not be afraid to use it !
