Past Events
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SAS at Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Southampton
Talk on the dangers of grooming to our youth
Find out more »SAS at Gurdwara Sikh Sangat, Harley Grove
The dangers of grooming – the danger to your family how to protect your children
Find out more »Snakes in Suits at Aston Sikh Society
A Ground breaking truth is discovered about grooming and manipulation Date 4th December 2-4pm Room G63
Find out more »SAS at Gurdwara Singh Sabha Ilford
Saturday 23 November 2013 7pm to 8pm Gurdwara Singh Sabha Seven Kings 722-730 High Road Ilford, Essex IG3 8SX Tel : 020 8598 1817
Find out more »LiverPool Sikh Society presents SAS – Modern Issues faced by Sikh Youth
Come along and see problems young Sikhs like you are facing and how to deal with them with Liv Sikh Soc
Find out more »Snakes in Suits SAS Seminar at Singh Sabha, Slough
The truth about the dangers facing the youth today Venue: Sri Guru Singh Sabha Slough Wexham Court, Sheehy Way, Slough, Berkshire, SL2 5SS Time: 10:45
Find out more »SAS Seminar on Sexual Grooming at Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Bedford
A very shocking report about the sexual of grooming girls that is taking place on your doorstep. A must attend for all families and friends.
Find out more »SAS Dangers of Sexual Grooming Talk at SWAT HQ
A Hard hitting talk about the reality of sexual grooming on the streets of today with Swat London
Find out more »Snakes in Suits Talk by Mohan Singh SAS at Wesminster Sikh Society
An eye opening talk that will open your eyes and make you aware of the hidden dangers of Groomers in the UK
Find out more »SAS Seminar: Screening of BBC documentary and open discussion on Grooming at Ramgharia Gurdwara, Coventry
2 hours that can save your family. A must for Sikh Parents and Children. At Ramgharia Gurdwara, 1103 Foleshill road, Coventry CV6 6EP 12pm-2pm – Screening of BBC documentary :Inside Out – Speech by Bhai Mohan Singh – Open Discussion – Information Stall
Find out more »SAS Seminar at Bimingham City University
An eye opening talk talk by Mohan Singh from Sikh Awareness Society – The Hard hitting truth about grooming and sexual abuse.
Find out more »SAS Grooming Awareness Seminar – Guru Nanak Gurdwara Smethwick
Grooming Seminar Sunday 29th September 3:00 pm at Guru Nanak Gurdwara 128 – 130 High Street. Smethwick, B66 3AP Phone: 0121 558 2527
Find out more »SAS Seminar with Bhai Mohan Singh at Guru Arjun Gurdwara Derby
By popular demand a hard hitting talk that reveals the extent of the grooming problem in the UK, how can we prevent this crime and what is the way Forward
Find out more »Bhai Mohan Singh – SAS Grooming Seminar at Ramgharia Gurdwara Northampton
Bhai Mohan Singh will be holding SPECIAL seminar on Grooming at Sri Guru Singh Sabha Cromwell Street, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 2TE at 7:30pm They will cover – Whats happening and how – What to look out for – What we can do to combat this crime Please ATTEND and spread the word!!
Find out more »Grooming Seminar at Ramgharia Gurdwara Coventry 7pm
(SAS) sevadars will be holding SPECIAL seminars Re Grooming today in Coventry and Leicester!! They will cover – Whats happening and how – What to look out for – What we can do to combat this crime Please ATTEND and spread the word!! COVENTRY – @ Ramgharia Gurdwara, Foleshill Road CV6 6EP at 7pm (In the HALL next to the Library)
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